Traditional Method

Traditional Method - Kachhi Ghani (Kolhu) method is being used to produce pungent mustard oil. Kachhi Ghani produces approx. 20% of oil and rest oil is extracted by traditional expeller.
Traditional Expeller cannot produce Pungent Oil.

Advanced Technology

Cold Processed Pungent Mustard Oil produced by CHILLEX™ of hygienic quality and better shelf life.


Traditional Expeller does not Produce Pungent Oil.... Why ?

Traditional expeller is based on screw pressing system. So temperature goes up to 80 degree centigrade and on this temperature pungency will be very poor. To obtain pungency in expeller, temperature of crushing chamber should be quite low. On this temperature extraction of oil is less, as in process of Kachhi Ghani but required lots of space and wood is also used in process. So, we can say that we required lot of trees to run Kachhi Ghani, which is not Environmental Friendly. See Comparative Chart between Kolhu & Chillex.

CHILLEX™ Produces Pungent Oil

To overcome almost all the short comings of traditional method a entire new technology of Pungent Oil for processing machine called CHILLEX™ has been designed.

♦ CHILLEX PATENT NO. : DESIGN NO. : 275923 CLASS 15-99. Any imitation thereof will attract civil damages liability under the Patent Act 1970 ♦